The India arm of Singapore-based telecom operator Singtel has joined with the Citigroup-owned broadband services company YOU Broadband to provide international connectivity and broadband services to small and medium-sized businesses in India.
As a first step, the two companies will tap YOU Broadband's existing enterprise customer base to offer SingTel's ‘ConnectPlus' suite of services such as international private leased circuit (IPLC), internet protocol virtual private network (IP VPN) and internet connectivity .
I am not sure whether this is the right forum for this but due to the issue not getting addressed/resolved I am adding a comment here.
I had applied for a new connection with YOU tele Ref No 277497 last week (17 Mar 2010) in Hyderabad. The salesperson checked for the feasibility and received the filled up form and cheque and told that the connection will be done by saturday. I received a sms for user account and password.
On saturday the technical team came and setup the modem and line from my home to the nearest pole where they have a connection point and told that due to some problem that day my connection will be activated on monday i.e 22 Mar 2010.
Today 22 March i am being told that there is no Main line near my house and it is not feasible for a new connection. Imagine my surprise at having to hear this after the money got deducted from my account, got a modem and cable installed at my home and having my internet connection with another network disabled.
This i am sure you agree, leads to a conclusion that there is a serious flaw in your process, which needs to be rectified asap otherwise customers will lose the basic belief in your service.
If possible try to get this issue resolved, I will anyway be struggling to get the service installed or get my money back.
YOU tele boast about abiding by TRAI norms and provide 80% greater than subscribed speed". What a load of crap. They have a cap of 20% on your actual speed you pay for & 2nd they use a speed trotting software on the accounts to control the download speed dus saving them bandwidth to sell to other customers.
I have a 512kpBs connection but till date never received the speed for browsing. The worst ISP in Mumbai, even after repeated complains nobody comes instead you receive an SMS saying your problem has been solved."HOW I ASK,IS IT RESOLVED." Its been 2 months but no service engineer.
There customer care will give you a lame 24hour service time crap. You will wait an nobody comes, you call again and what do you get another 24hours waiting period for the service engineer.
Unsatisfied Customer
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